An invitation to get to know instruments and play music from an early age.
A new series aimed at children who are interested in music and are considering choosing an instrument to take lessons.
Four years old is considered by most music instructors to be the perfect timing at which a child should start playing an instrument.
And guess what? Piano and violin are among the most popular instruments for kids aged 4 and up. And they are perfect
for musicians of all ages to learn.
With these lavishly illustrated books, packed with anecdotes, kids will learn how instruments work, how they sound, their history, how they are built and everything they should know by lifting flaps and playing with all sorts of mechanisms.
Violin and Piano are the first titles in this new series of novelty books to open children’s little eyes and ears to the world of music.
1. Violin by Oriol Garcia Molsosa. Illustrated by Albert Vila and Miguel Bustos
2. Piano by Oriol Garcia Molsosa. Illustrated by Albert Vila and Neus Caamaño
21 × 29,7 cm | 14 pages | Hardback with mechanisms | Ages 5+
Rights sold: Traditional Chinese
Publication: September 2023
ORIOL GARCIA MOLSOSA plays clarinet in Ensemble Una cosa rara and the Stadler Trio. He combines teaching History of Music with colaborations for the Fundació Obra Social La Caixa, children’s magazines such as Cavall Fort and publishing houses like Casals. Besides, he loves writing short stories. In 2019 was awarded with the Correlletres prize for the story: The Mermaid and the Fisher. He recently published the picture book The Captain Greedy-Guts and Sailor Hawk-eyed
MIGUEL BUSTOS describes himself as a “qualified graphic designer turned illustrator”. In 2013 he published his first comic, El Senyor Romaní (EDT), which deservedly won him a Junceda prize in 2014. Other books followed. He also creates cartoons, which he describes as “really bad”, and which are published under the name ‘Humor se escribe con lápiz’ (Humour is written in pencil).
NEUS CAAMAÑO After graduating in Fine Arts from Universitat de Barcelona she studied at the Arts & Crafts School Francesca Bonnemaison, known as Escola de la Dona (Barcelona), where Illustration captivated her for being a perfect language between creativity and communication. She currently develops her work in the fields of advertising illustration and picture books. Besides, she teaches creativity and plastic expression workshops for children.
ALBERT VILA Developed his artistic studies at the “Joso” school and at the “Barcelona Academy of Art”. Since then, he has combined commissions for publishers and TV with art exhibitions and personal projects.
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[…] with the Correlletres prize for the story: The Mermaid and the Fisher. He recently published Violin and the picture book The Captain Greedy-Guts and Sailor […]
[…] ORIOL GARCIA MOLSOSA plays clarinet in Ensemble Una cosa rara and the Stadler Trio. He combines teaching History of Music with colaborations for the Fundació Obra Social La Caixa, children’s magazines such as Cavall Fort and publishing houses like Casals. Besides, he loves writing short stories. In 2019 was awarded with the Correlletres prize for the story: The Mermaid and the Fisher. In Combel we’ve published The Captain Greedy Guts and Sailor Hawk-eyed, Disconcerting Stories and the “Solfa” series. […]