Make your guess and find the bad guys behind the windows!
Oriol Garcia Molsosa is back with a novelty that will bring a great deal of fun to their day!
A book filled with funny riddle stories to have a blast guessing the answers. The main characters hidden behind the riddles are the bad guys from classic fairy tales: a witch, a wolf, an ogre or a ghost, among others.
Riddles will have kids guessing and giggling!
A fun, poetic text by Oriol Garcia Molsosa with the bold illustrations of Sara Marcos make it fun for children to play at guessing what characters are behind the tabs.
Little Hidden Baddies
by Oriol Garcia Molsosa. Illustrated by Sara Marcos
22 x22 cm | 14 pages | Hardcover with window tabs| Ages 3+
Publication: September 2024
ORIOL GARCIA MOLSOSA plays clarinet in Ensemble Una cosa rara and the Stadler Trio. He combines teaching History of Music with colaborations for the Fundació Obra Social La Caixa, children’s magazines such as Cavall Fort and publishing houses like Casals. Besides, he loves writing short stories. In 2019 was awarded with the Correlletres prize for the story: The Mermaid and the Fisher. In Combel we’ve published The Captain Greedy Guts and Sailor Hawk-eyed, Disconcerting Stories and the “Solfa” series.
SARA MARCOS is a freelance illustrator and designer based in Barcelona. She is inspired by fun, bizarre, retro, absurd, colourful and unpretentious. Her current work focuses mainly on the digital medium, whether in the form of gifs, print design or advertising illustration.