We present Agus Pianola, a very confused and rather cheeky boy who is really just a good kid. He knows that he should have his room all cleaned up, but he always waits for his mother to remind him because he never finds the time to get down to business. And of course, you can lose all kinds of things in a messy room, like balls, video games and homework… and sometimes you find other things. What would you do if you were a kid and one day you found your room was full of monsters?
We have good news and want to share them with you. One of our most beloved illustrators, Pep Montserrat has been awarded with the National Illustration...
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After one year of readings, the winners of the 8th edition of the Llibre Vivent (Living Book) were finally unveiled last Saturday at the Palais...
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Celebrating the oceans and the seas with Combel books World Oceans Day is celebrated every year on 8th June. The UN created this commemoration...
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