
A new monstrous adventure that delves into the artistic avant-gardes of the early 20th century through the univers of Salvador Dalí. As could not be otherwise, it starts in the library. Emma, our beloved librarian, has lost her way in the world of Dalí’s memories because of Dr. Brot. Agus, Lidia and the monsters will dive into the hallucinatory world of the genius to rescue her. In this trip, they will meet writers of the stature of André Breton, Tristan Tzara, Pepín Bello and Federico García Lorca, the film director Luis Buñuel, or the prolific Pablo Picasso. As Copons & Fortuny know, a good cameo is one of the best ways to enrich the plot. But in this case this resource is also used to show and explain the artistic avant-gardes. In particular, the movement of Surrealism. From adventure to adventure, chapter by chapter, Agus and his friends perceive that art is as alive as language, in constant evolution until today. Specially, the avant-gardes. They changed everything and meant a monstrous revolution in the field of art.
Illustrator: Liliana Fortuny
Series: Agus & Monsters
176 pages. Paperback. 21,5 x 15,0 cm


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