Lidia’s dad has fallen into a trap orchestrated by evil Dr. Brot and a gang of white-collar thieves. Now he is in jail, accused of having robbed the Galerbank. To get the honourable Mr. Lines out of trouble, Agus and the monsters will look for inspiration in the best detective novels of all time. No help is too little!
They will take their cue from the classics: the deductive method of Sherlock Holmes; Dupin’s logical reasoning, Miss Marple’s observation skills and nowledge of human nature, Maigret’s great empathy with offenders, Poirot’s reliable little grey cells, Philip Marlowe’s well-known incorruptibility and the integrity beyond doubt of Sam Spade.
In this hard case, books and detective skills are as essential as friendship. Because good friends are there to support each other in difficult times, right?
Bologna 2025: A big recognition for Combel’s illustrators The winner illustrators for the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2025 have been announced....
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Naida Mazzenga wins big with her illustrations for Bad Name! We’re thrilled to announce that the talented illustrator Naida Mazzenga has won...
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Patricia Geis visits the Museum of Human Evolution (MHE) What a thrill! Patricia Geis was recently invited to the Museum of Human Evolution...
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