
A special summer issue to play with and have fun. With this activity book on hand, kids will have no reasons to be bored. BitmaxGames includes super pastimes and fun games to stimulate creativity that involve observation, logic and reasoning: super mazes, crosswords, quizzes, searches, spotting differences, coloring and painting activities. Since it couldn’t have been any other way, within BitmaxGames kids will also find some eco tips to take care of the Blue Forest. At the end of the book, they will find the answer key with all the solutions and 16 pre-cut cardboard sheets with punch-out the pieces to build the Blue Forest! This is not only a fun DIY activity that will provide endless hours of fun. It also a super tool to encourage engagement in reading.
Illustrator: Liliana Fortuny
56 pages. Paperback. 27,0 x 21,0 cm


Pep Montserrat, National Illustration Prize 2024

We have good news and want to share them with you. One of our most beloved illustrators, Pep Montserrat has been awarded with the National Illustration...
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World Oceans Day

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