The Chestnut Seller

Four stories from a long time ago that are related to the seasons: baskets of spring strawberries, ants that work through the summer while the cicadas shrill, the aroma of baked chestnuts and sweet potatoes in the autumn, and forests of fir trees covered in snow winter. They are stories which make us think about very human things like love, duty, responsibility, fellowship and the need to feel useful.
Illustrator: Maria Rius
Biography: Barcelona 1938. Studied in Llotja and in the Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona (Fine Arts High School of the University of Barcelona), obtaining a degree in Painting and Drawing. Studied graphics in the Kunstwerkschule in Munster (Germany) and design in the Kunstgeweberschule in Berne (Switzerland). She is a teacher of painting and drawing in the Escuela Professional de la Diputación de Barcelona, in Barcelona. She has won several prizes and has taken part in exhibitions, both on an individual and collective basis. She has illustrated over one hundre and sixty books.

Translator: Luz Orihuela

Adapter: Anna Grau

24 pages. Hardcover. 21,5 x 21,5 cm


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