Disconcerting Stories

The history of music is full of amusing, dramatic and legendary little anecdotes. Those curiosities have been perpetuated over centuries. They bring us closer to the masters and give the best composers of all time a more human dimension. In this new book by Oriol Garcia Molsosa, young readers will find five stories based on well-known anecdotes about Purcell, Verdi, JS Bach, Scarlatti and Benny Goodman. There is something for everyone: animals, jazz, desserts, great composers and even kings are involved. And all the anecdotes have something in common: they all are true. But the truth is that every single story also hides a little rotten lie. Disconcerting Stories is an invitation to pay attention, find the discordant and play “truth or lie” with the funny characters created by Mercè Galí to represent them. To make the experience even more delightful, each story includes a QR to listen to the musical fragment to which it refers. A coda to enjoy every line and note of the book with all the senses.


Illustrator: Mercè Galí
Translator: Celia Filipetto
64 pages. Hardcover. 25,5 x 19,5 cm


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