The Book of Fables

This collection of classic writing from all periods contains a selection of the most famous stories from the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen, as well as an adaptation of Homer's Odyssey with some stirring illustrations by Pep Montserrat. Here comes The Book of Fables, sixty-four fables adapted by Concha Cardeñoso and illustrated by Emilio Urberuaga.
Illustrator: Emilio Urberuaga
Biography: He was born in 1954 in Madrid. He has worked in different fields of the graphics. From 1982 he works as an illustrator of children books. Many of his works are exhibited in several museums, such as in Gavinete de Estampas de la Biblioteca Nacional, Fundación Juan March, etc. Some of his most popular works are "Manolito Gafotas", "Qué hace un cocodrilo por la noche", "Gilda, la oveja gigante" (published in Korea).

Translator: Concha Cardeñoso

Adapter: Albert Jané

160 pages. Hardcover. 25,4 x 19,3 cm

2011 - Premio Nacional de Ilustración, awarded by Ministerio de Cultura

Sold to: Portuguese (Brazil)


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