The Old Lady from the Forest

Stories that charm, appeal and make you dream about a better life, in which good always triumphs over evil. They are ideal to understand that, although not everything in life is beautiful, goodness and honesty always come out on top. Stories that our ancestors loved, and for sure they will captivate us, too.
Illustrator: Mabel Póveda
Biography: Born in Madrid in 1953. Studied Fine Arts in Madrid and Barcelona. Since 1982 she has taught plastic arts and has taken part in several exhibitions. She's been working as a writer, illustrator and storyteller for over fifteen years. She has won a number of prizes, of which the most noteworthy are: the Apel·les Mestres Prize for the book The Matter Of My Parents (1991), the National Prize for the best illustrated work for The Book Of Fear (1992) , the international illustration prize from the Santa Maria Foundation for I Don't Know. This book was chosen to be among the one hundred best children's books of the 20th century in the Sixth Symposium on children's literature and reading organised by the Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation (2000). Finally, in the year 2000, she was awarded the prize for illustration from the Hospital San Juan de Dios for her contribution throughout her working life.

Adapter: Anna Grau

24 pages. Hardcover. 21,5 x 21,5 cm


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