Captain Greedy-Guts and Sailor Owl-eyed

Ahoy mateys! Hold fast and play pirates with Captain Greedy-Guts!Ahoy mateys! Hold fast and play pirates with Captain Greedy-Guts! This is not just another pirate story. This is the amazing story of Captain Greedy-Guts and sailor Owl-eyed. It is also a secret map that leads to a hidden treasure. Let’s read and sail until we find the delicious treasure! Together, Captain Greedy-Guts and Aurelio the lookout, aka Owl-eyed, will cross the oceans to reach a very special port. Land ho! A fun picture book written by Oriol Garcia Molsosa and illustrated by Guridi, invites children to travel the seas and live amazing adventures in a carton box. Yo-ho-ho! Just an advice: Don’t read it if you are hungry!



Illustrator: Guridi
32 pages. Hardcover. 25,5 x 19,5 cm

Sold to: Griego moderno (1453-) (World), Italian (World)


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