When I Was Little (boy)

A beautiful baby album that boys from 4 years onwards can complete with the help of their parents to relate the most fun and exciting stories about their first three years of life: birth, their first words, their first day of school, etc. It includes stickers and die-cut pieces.
Illustrator: Marta Montañà
40 pages. Hardcover. 25,0 x 31,0 cm

Sold to: German (Germany)


Pep Montserrat, National Illustration Prize 2024

We have good news and want to share them with you. One of our most beloved illustrators, Pep Montserrat has been awarded with the National Illustration...
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2 Combel titles won the Llibre Vivent Award 2024

After one year of readings, the winners of the 8th edition of the Llibre Vivent (Living Book) were finally unveiled last Saturday at the Palais...
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World Oceans Day

Celebrating the oceans and the seas with Combel books   World Oceans Day is celebrated every year on 8th June. The UN created this commemoration...
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