
With this interactive book, you’ll be able to stroll through a port or street of a city in the Roman Empire, visit real thermal baths and attend a monumental show at the Coliseum, the largest amphitheatre in Rome. You’ll also learn how the legions were organised and be able to put your strategic abilities to the test by playing the Gallic Wars. Includes four board games with all the materials to play and a spectacular pop-up of the Coliseum of Rome.
Illustrator: Jordi Vila
Biography: He was born in Barcelona in 1966. He studied drawing at the Escola d'Arts i Oficis, Llotja (The Llotja School of Art and Occupation) as well as music and percussion (he plays the vibraphone in jazz groups). He started work as an illustrator in 1988 and since that time he has illustrated text-books, children's stories and novels for the most prestigious publishers and magazines. He also works in other areas of illustration, working usually with graphic designers, architects, producers and theatre companies. The edition of Trafalgar which he illustrated was voted the best-edited book (2003) and with Paper Diari (Daily Paper) he won the Sant Joan de Deu Prize.

20 pages. Hardcover. 24,0 x 34,0 cm


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