Paca Lamar

In the main square of the village we can find all kind of shops: the fishmonger's, the restaurant, the greengrocer's or the dry-cleaner's. Our four little friends work as assistants in their parents' shops but those jobs are not so easy as they thought.
24 pages. Hardcover. 21,0 x 21,0 cm


Presenting Earthlings: Prehistory at the MHE

Patricia Geis visits the Museum of Human Evolution (MHE)   What a thrill! Patricia Geis was recently invited to the Museum of Human Evolution...
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Copons & Fortuny meet Chinese readers at Tianfu Book Fair

Agus & Monsters: A phenomenal success in China Jaume Copons and Liliana Fortuny, the creators of the “Agus & Monsters” series, recently had the...
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Combel new list is ready for Frankfurt: Elementary, dear publishers! 🔎

While we are preparing the Frankfurt Book Fair and the new Fall catalogue is on print, we want to share with you the letter from Noemí Mercadé,...
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