Like a Sock

En casa de la familia Vilarejo todo ha dado la vuelta, como un calcetín. Han empequeñecido de tal manera que ahora viven, atemorizados, en el escondrijo del ratón Rimsky.
Biography: Pep Molist was born in Manlleu (Spain) in 1965. He has worked in a number of libraries and has introduced some creative ways to boost reading figures in Catalonia (Spain). At the moment he is responsible for the children's section of the Casino de Manresa library and he was the instigator of the Children and Young People's Book Week. He is currently working for the newspaper El País (The Country), the supplement Presència (Presence) and Faristol (Lectern). He also writes. In 2003 he won the Rovelló (Mushroom) essay prize for children's literature with a work entitled: Tranquil Books: Life As Seen Through Children's Literature.

Illustrator: Anna Clariana
24 pages. Hardcover. 21,0 x 19,0 cm


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