I Am a Farmer

Children often dream about being older and about their future jobs. This collection brings us up to the world of kids' dreams, by means of poetic texts and magic illustrations. Astronaut, ballerina, sailor or farmer are the professions that our characters imagine. Four books for letting your mind fly in a world replete of fantasy.
Author: ,
Biography: Barcelona 1968. She studied graphic design in the Escuela Massana and in Elisava. Since 1989 she has illustrated children's books and she is also the author of one of them: Un Buen Día (A Nice Day). Ed. SM, 1990. She also does the costumes, puppets and masks for children's theatre plays.

24 pages. Hardcover. 19,5 x 19,5 cm


Pep Montserrat, National Illustration Prize 2024

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World Oceans Day

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