Celeste, the Sea Star

Celeste es una estrella del firmamento que, un día, decide cumplir su sueño: conocer el mar. ¿Quién podrá ayudarla?
Biography: She was born in La Linea de la Concepción (Cadiz, Spain). She lives in Aracena, a mountain village in Huelva province, but she spends long periods on the coast. For several years she has been involved in teaching and writing for children. For children, and also with them, she has done a bit of everything: theatre, puppetry, storytelling, dance workshops and even a bit of magic! But what she likes best is to play around with words and that¿s why she is a poet. She gives poetry courses and talks for teachers about stimulating reading.

Illustrator: Carmen Queralt
24 pages. Hardcover. 21,0 x 19,0 cm


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