Good Morning

Two board books to learn basic differences between day and night activities and routines. With cheerful and colorful illustrations by reknown author Xavier Salomó, the little ones will be captivated by pulling tabs while learning new concepts and words. Little fingers can easily move the slides up and down to put everyone to sleep or to wake everybody up. Make your choice!
Illustrator: Xavier Salomó
Biography: Born in Sabadell (Barcelona) in 1976. Studied illustration and drawing in Escola Massana in Barcelona with honours in the speciality subjects of illustration and engraving. Studied the History of Art in the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He often writes for children's publications. He has worked for a number of publicity agencies, designing advertising posters, web pages, flash animations, catalogues and triptychs and also as a graphic designer.

16 pages. Board Book. 17,0 x 17,0 cm

Sold to: Chinese (World), English (World), French (World), Italian (World), Polish (World), Portuguese (Europe)


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