Nine story characters (the princess, the king, the fairy, the magician etc ) and nine modern characters ( the private detective, a very up-to-date girl, the hoop skirt lady etc.) in the shape of masks so that boys and girls play at being someone else. Each pack contains a script, instructions saying how to assemble the mask attachments and a suggestion for a play.
Patricia Geis visits the Museum of Human Evolution (MHE) What a thrill! Patricia Geis was recently invited to the Museum of Human Evolution...
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Agus & Monsters: A phenomenal success in China Jaume Copons and Liliana Fortuny, the creators of the “Agus & Monsters” series, recently had the...
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While we are preparing the Frankfurt Book Fair and the new Fall catalogue is on print, we want to share with you the letter from Noemí Mercadé,...
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