All I Know About the Anger

Strong emotions such as anger, rage and frustration can be difficult for kids to manage. The new story by Jaume Copons illustrated by Emilio Urberuaga will help kids recognize and understand their negative feelings. As the protagonist of the book says we all get angry at some point in our lives. Sometimes we can’t avoid feeling grumpy or being cranky. But we can take a deep breath, count to 10, think of something nice to calm down. Or even better, use the brand new powerful device at the end of the book. Just give a try!

Illustrator: Emilio Urberuaga
Biography: He was born in 1954 in Madrid. He has worked in different fields of the graphics. From 1982 he works as an illustrator of children books. Many of his works are exhibited in several museums, such as in Gavinete de Estampas de la Biblioteca Nacional, Fundación Juan March, etc. Some of his most popular works are "Manolito Gafotas", "Qué hace un cocodrilo por la noche", "Gilda, la oveja gigante" (published in Korea).

32 pages. Hardcover. 25,5 x 25,5 cm

Sold to: Romanian (World)


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