Ghosts and skeletons are coming to the Blue Forest!
The 11th installment of the Bitmax & Co Are you scared, Iverson? arrives in September, in preparation for one of the most eagerly awaited nights for the people of the Blue Forest and for the children around the world.
This year the theme for the annual costume party is fear and everyone must wear a spooky disguise. Except Iverson, who is bored out of his mind because, believe it or not, he doesn’t know what fear is. How is it possible that an ogre not know what fear is?
Bitmax, Mus and Wagner will try to help their friend and find something that scares him to the bone. Nothing works until Evo transforms himself into an ogre and Iverson runs away in terror…Shhh… Don’t be afraid. All the adventures of Bitmax and the people of the forest have a happy ending! Let the party begin: zombies, vampires, mummies, trolls and all sorts of creepy creatures are welcome.
Let’s dress up!